SINGERSWe are looking for singers of diverse levels of experience and skills to join us in April 2015 in performing A Passion for Peace.
CHORUSES Women A large women's chorus of varying skill levels. The music includes some more challenging sections for soloists and small ensembles and some choruses and chorales for less confident singers. However, it would be helpful if most singers joining in February 2015 have some choral or other musical experience, can read music and learn their part quite easily. Please fill in the participation form below and indicate your skill level and whether you are interested in solos and/or ensemble work. Men We might call on some experienced male choristers. Among the possible roles are ghosts of war, politicians, soldiers and male citizens. Please be in touch if you are interested. Children The children’s chorus will play a vital role throughout the work as the future to which the Passion is dedicated. They will lead the opening chorus and have the final word, with the work culminating in a promise to future generations that will involve everyone present. The children's chorus will be mainly the choir of Arawang Primary School, directed by Lynne Kowalik. Please be in touch if your child would like to join the children's chorus. Sometimes the choruses will be combined. DATES Passion for Peace Festival 27 April – 2 May 2015 Albert Hall, Yarralumla (including three performances of A Passion for Peace) Rehearsals for A Passion for Peace season at Albert Hall: The Women’s Chorus will start rehearsing on 1February 2015, 3.30-5.30pm in Yarralumla Uniting Church Hall. Chorus rehearsals will continue on Sundays. Other singers will rehearse independently until the final rehearsals. Rehearsals at Albert Hall will be on Sunday 26 April, and Monday 27 April. Dress rehearsal is Monday 27 April in the evening. Further detail TBA. >> If you would like to sing with us, please send your details to Johanna McBride and/or come along to our information session (see above). ![]()
HELP NEEDEDA Chorus of Women is a small community group. We need your help to make our ambitious plans for A Passion for Peace happen.
We welcome donations from all who share our mission. Click on the button for details.
>> Or can you help us in any of these areas?
FUNDRAISING Identifying and applying for grants, establishing a crowdsourcing project and other fundraising activities to cover the considerable costs of the project. EVENT MANAGEMENT Various tasks associated with the logistics of our 5-day festival at the Albert Hall (including tracking pre-ticket sales, publicity, programming, front of house management, coordination of festival events). PUBLIC RELATIONS Engaging with strategic ‘champions,’ raising awareness and building momentum for the 2015 event. MEDIA Developing and managing media opportunities (print, radio, TV). COMMUNICATIONS Writing content, designing publicity materials, establishing and managing a social media suite (Facebook, Twitter, weblog) PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Recruiting and managing singers and musicians, managing costumes and set, managing performance logistics. MUSICAL SUPPORT Providing assistance for the musical directors (eg organising music folders, printing music etc). >> If you are interested in helping in any of these ways (or any others that we have forgotten!), please contact us as soon as possible. |